Join James from 30 August to 1 September about 30 minutes south of Flin Flon, MB to explore an area of Saskatchewan relatively close to home (7.5 hours) and work on some rope and rock skills. Just South of Flin Flon on the eastern side of Amisk Lake, SK, there is a series of cool Karst geological features. Karst features are cave-like systems that form from expansion and contraction, which breaks the layers of the rock up, creating underworldly travel opportunities that offer some vertical freedom.
This trip will allow us to:
No outdoor experience is required. If you have taken a course with James, then this is an excellent opportunity to practice those skills in a real outdoor setting. If you don’t know what any of the above terms are, then you may be in for a lot of hard work.
Participants will need a good sense of adventure and enthusiasm to explore and develop themselves as climbers.
Food: bring your own
Travel: Personal vehicles either, solo or carpooling
Contact James to sign up.
Register to attend a trip with the Alpine Club of Canada Great Plains Section
All trips listed in the Great Plains Section’s trip schedule are coordinated by amateur volunteer hikers, skiers and climbers. When on a trip, participants must act in a manner that is safe and responsible and participants are expected to bring the equipment requested by the trip organizer. Participants should find out the requirements and demands of the trip well in advance by asking the organizer and researching the trip in guidebooks and other literature. You must be a member of the Great Plains Section of the Alpine Club of Canada to join a trip.
As a broker for TuGo, the ACC offers Emergency Medical Insurance, Trip Cancellation Insurance, Baggage Insurance and more. These policies are available to all Canadians travelling outside their home province within Canada as well as internationally.
If you require medical attention while you’re traveling outside of your home province, or outside of Canada, your provincial health care plan may not cover you. The ACC’s trip insurance covers air ambulance, emergency medical and many other medical expenses. Climbing, skiing and other backcountry accidents are not exempted (as they are with many insurers).
For more information and online quotes, click here.
Join the Alpine Club of Canada Great Plains Section
A.C.C. Great Plains Section
What are you waiting for? Join us today!