Member Resources

Club Gear

The Section owns, and maintains, an inventory of outdoor gear that is available to section members to borrow free of charge. To request gear, contact the section Quartermaster, Kristen Moore, at Please include the following information in the e-mail:

  1. ACC Membership number (members must have the Great Plains as an associated section)
  2. Desired items
  3. Date and time availability to pick up gear. A pick-up location in Regina will be provided by Kristen.
  4. Return date
  5. Mobile number

Please note that Kristen is a volunteer, and has full control to deny gear requests. In addition, club trips take priority over member requests and, as such, some requests may be cancelled due to this. Club members are not held accountable for normal wear and tear on gear; however, it is the expectation that members replace any items damaged by negligent use, or any items that are lost or stolen while in their possession.


The purpose of the gear cache is to make outdoor sports more affordable and accessible for our members. It’s very expensive to buy ice screws and tools if you only ice climb once a year, or purchase the odd items you might use once or twice. However, if it’s your second season on rock and you foresee yourself staying with the sport, it’s probably time to buy your own soft goods.

Gear List
Items Description
Backpack, climbing Black Diamond Speed, 30L and 40L yellow pack
Backpack, >50L hiking Various
Backpack, dayback Various
Belay device Various, including GriGri
Crampons, ice climbing Petzl, quantity 2
Crampons, mountaineering Petzl, quantity 2
Crash pad Flashed, 3′ x 4′
Duffle Bag The North Face Base Camp, various sizes
Harness, climbing Petzl Corax harness; size 1 and size 2
Helmet, climbing Petzl Boreo helmet M/L, quantity 7
Ice axe, lightweight Petzl Gully, quantity 2
Ice axe, climbing tools Various, 3 sets (Nomics, Cassin X-dreams, BD Cobra)
Ice axes, straight shaft Various
Ice screws Petzl (various size)
Medical Kit Two types, Ultralight and Mountain series backcountry medical kit
Rock hardware, sport rack 10-15 draws, anchor slings and lockers
Rock hardware, trad Double rack (size up to #4BD)
Rope, single Various 60 and 70m
Snow safety, crevasse rescue Mammut RescueYou
Snow safety, Av set Avalanche Safety (Ortovox transceiver, Voile Shovel, Voile Tourlight probe) 2 sets
Snow safety, snow saw Black Diamond snow saw
Tarp MSR Zing tarp, 6-12 person
Tent 2 person MSR Hubba Hubba NX, quantity 2

How to Become an ACC Great Plains Member

How to book the ACC Clubhouse and other huts

Leader Resources

A.C.C. Great Plains Section

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